Post 16 resource:
Cut & Paste: An introduction to photomontage
From Jon Nicholls, Thomas Tallis School
We run a Taster Week for Year 11 students who have applied to our Post 16 Centre so that they get to sample each of their proposed A level or BTEC courses prior to enrolment in August. This is the current version of our session for A Level photography. Its focus is on exploring the range of skills, attributes, knowledge, critical understanding, visual acumen and creativity relevant to the course and its assessment objectives. The activities are designed to last four hours.
Below are some examples of the photomontages created by the students in the sessions. |
Examples of student work
These photomontages were created in approximately one hour in response to the examples we looked at and detailed analysis of work by Hannah Höch and Linder (see presentation and files above).