Where We Belong: An exploration of photography, friendship and community with Alejandra Carles-Tolra (web)
13 ways to begin a personal investigation in photography: Some suggested exercises to help you figure out what kind of photographer you are (web)
Science and Photography: Some thoughts about the complex relationship between photography and science (web)
What is photopoetry? An exploration of the symbiotic relationship between poetry and photography (web)
A photographic homage: How might you pay photographic homage to another artist you admire? (web)
Remembrance, Portraits, and the Tin Noses Shop: Reflections on Remembrance art (web)
A New Europe: Resources related to Brighton Photo Biennial 2018 (web)
What is photography?: Beginning to explore the nature of photography with Year 12 students (web)
Boring Things: Exploring everyday subjects and why photographers are drawn to the mundane (web)
The World is Beautiful: Considering objective photography with Albert Renger-Patzsch (web)
The Surface of Things: Modernist and contemporary photographs about thingness (web)
Making sense of photography: What happens when we engage with photography using all our senses? (web)
The Documentary Challenge: A practical introduction (or baptism of fire!) into documentary work (web)
Believable fictions: Questioning the relationship between photographs and reality (web)
Searching for the miraculous: Investigating the marvellous in the everyday (web)
The Photography Game: An extended research & design project for Year 12 students (web)
Pictus Interruptus: What happens when stuff gets in the way (web)
Cut & Paste: An introduction to photomontage for new Year 12 students (web)
Focus: Exploring depth of field and focus with Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Saul Leiter and Uta Barth (web)
Portraits (Part 1): Beyond face value: Deeper questioning about approaches to portraiture (web)
Fashion Photography - Not just a pretty face: Unpicking the complexities of fashion photography (pdf)
The (In)decisive Moment: Exploring moments in time with Cartier-Bresson, Waplington & others (web)
Mirrors or windows?: Thinking about objectivity & subjectivity in photography (web)
Exploring spaces/challenging perceptions: Investigating how a camera ‘shapes’ our views (pdf)
Abstract Forms: Exploring abstraction in photography with Francis Bruguière and others (web)
Typologies: Exploring photography as a tool for visual classification with August Sander etc. (web)
Cultural Identity: An introduction to photography for new A level students (pdf)
Synecdoche: Exploring the relationships of the parts to the whole in photography (web)
Provoke: Exploring provocative documents for thought with the Japanese Provoke photographers (web)
Two-Frame Films: Exploring the relationship between photography and film with Luke Fowler (web)
What is a photobook? Why are they important and how do you make one? (web)
New Art From Old: Taking inspiration from the art of the past to create new photographic images (pdf)
Inside/Out: Thinking about the ethics of photography with Abigail Solomon-Godeau (web)
The Photograph as Evidence: When it comes to photographs, can we really believe our eyes? (web)