The following resources are designed to support teachers and students in developing critical and contextual understanding. They combine writing about individual photographs and examples of more theoretical writing about the medium. They are, in most cases, extracts from longer texts, with hyperlinks to other resources. They are not intended to be a substitute for reading the originals but we hope that they provide some starting points for discussion and debate.
Visual Analysis:
Robert Frank: The photographer in the Beat/Hipster Idiom
America & Lewis Hine: Photographs 1904-1940
Introduction text to Bellocq: Photographs from Storyville
Helen Levitt: An American Century of Photography: From Dry-Plate to Digital
Peter Fraser: Eventually, Everything, Connects
Photography Theory:
John Szarkowski: introduction to 'William Eggleston's Guide' 1976
Susan Sontag: an excerpt from 'On Photography' 1977
Roland Barthes: excerpts from 'Camera Lucida' 1980
John Tagg: from the introduction to 'The Burden of Representation' 1988
Graham Clarke: How do we read a photograph? from 'The Photograph' 1997
Michael Bracewell: 'Peter Fraser photographs 2002-2003'
Italo Calvino: The Adventure of a Photographer
NB. All texts have been previously published online and sources are acknowledged. No attempt is made to profit financially from them. Readers are encouraged to seek out the original texts.