For example, the NSEAD's Facebook Group 'Through the Lens' provides a fantastic support network. We are very grateful for the support of the NSEAD and other leading organisations in developing this resource. Our aim in establishing this website is to enhance existing networks and develop the capacity of colleagues to refine and develop their practice through a deep engagement with photography pedagogy.
Our aim is to invite colleagues to write guest blog posts, contribute longer articles and share tried and tested lesson plans on the site. We are keen to showcase examples of good practice by students in our Gallery pages, both the process and the products of their creativity. We aim to harness the wealth of talent and expertise amongst existing photography teachers in order to support colleagues new to the discipline and extend the quality of debate about what it means to study photography at this point in the history of the medium.
The site is in its infancy and, so far, features resources that we have largely created ourselves. Our aim is to expand its range and quality considerably over the coming months. We hope you find the site useful and see its potential. If you'd like to get involved in creating content for the site, please get in touch. Thank you for your interest so far and we look forward to working with you in the near future.
Jon and Chris